We had great assemblies this week! We began by recognizing that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Mashia Q. and Sumaya A. recited from the Qur’an. We congratulated this month’s H.U.D.A. students for their Honesty, Understanding, Discipline and Academics. Mrs. Campbell and some Grade 4B leaders led the Preschool – Grade 4 assembly in a clapping activity and we...
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We had great assemblies this week! We began both assemblies by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 territory and signing O’Canada. Omar D. and Ibraheem K. recited from the Qur’an. We recognized this month’s H.U.D.A. students for their Honesty, Understanding, Discipline and Academics. We drew prizes for students who had perfect attendance last month. Congratulations Noor F. and Hassan I.! Mrs....
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We had great assemblies this month! We began by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Maram A. and Hiba H. recited from the Qur’an. We recognized this month’s H.U.D.A. students. Congratulations to the students recognized for their honesty, understanding, discipline and academics! We drew names for this month’s perfect attendance prizes. Congratulations Omar A. and Fawzan A....
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We had great assemblies this week! We began by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Rawan and Joud recited from the Qur’an. We recognized this month’s H.U.D.A. students for their Honesty, Understanding, Discipline and Academics. We drew from the list of students who had perfect attendance in October to win a prize. Congratulations Shazeb and Nejah! In...
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Our first assembly of the year was great! We began by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Rafay M. recited from the Qur’an. Mrs. Spock and Teacher Douha presented students with 2023-2024 Imtiaz Awards. Mrs. Spock presented students with 2023-2024 Semester 2 Honour Roll and Great Honour Roll certificates. We drew for a prize for a student...
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Our first assemblies of the year were great! We began by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Yasin I. and Arwa R. recited from the Qur’an. We recognized this month’s H.U.D.A. students. Congratulations to students recognized for their Honesty, Understanding, Discipline and Academics! We recognized Grade 4 and 5 students who participated in Cross-Country Running this...
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Congratulations to Regina Huda School’s Class of 2024! Program
We had a wonderful assembly today! We began by recognizing that Regina Huda School is part of Treaty 4 Territory and singing O’Canada. Aazmeer A. recited from the Qur’an. We recognized our Honour Roll students for semester 1 who achieved a weighted average of 85.0 – 89.9% while maintaining good attendance habits. Congratulations Yaseen E., Narjess O., Muriha M., Imaan G., Ehab A., Husham E.,...
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We had great assemblies this month! We began by singing O’ Canada and recognizing that we are all treaty people. Arwa R. from grade 5 and Ahmad T. from grade 8 recited from the Qur’an. We recognized this month’s H.U.D.A. Students. Teacher Douha drew prizes for students who have done a great job of making wudu this month.