The Regina Huda School Debate Team had an excellent showing this past weekend at the provincial tournament in Saskatoon. Twenty-seven students earned spots at provincials based on their performance at tournaments throughout the season. All students were eager to demonstrate their skills and showed tremendous growth over the past year. Top awards were given to Salma E. and Maham Z. for winning the beginner team...
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Congratulations Hamza E. in grade 11! Hamza received a silver medal for Cadet Sabre in the Provincial Fencing Tournament. Hamza also received a bronze medal in the higher Junior category. Well done Hamza!
The grade 6A class has been busy with cross country skiing, art projects, discussing the Olympics, science experiments, and a field trip to the Brier.
Our Grade 6A and 6B classes visited the Tim Horton’s 2018 Curling Brier at the Brandt Center this morning.
High school students and teachers had their first assembly this morning. We were very fortunate to have Dr. Fallat, the Department Head of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina speak to our students about the transition from high school to university. We presented Imtiaz Award certificates to students who finished semester 1 with an 85.0% or higher average in Islamic Studies and Qur’an....
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On Thursday, March 1, the grade 10 students traveled to Mission Ridge for a day of downhill skiing. It was perfect weather for a fun day outside! Thank you Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Murray, and Mrs. Spock for taking the students.
The grade 6, 7, and 8B students completed some fun activities to recognize the opening of the Olympic games.
Due to the inclement weather, Regina Huda School will be closed Monday, March 5th. There will be no school for students.
This term’s three-way conferences for elementary students will be held on Friday, March 16. If it suits your schedule, please join our high school students in the gym 1:10 – 1:30 for Friday prayer. We are using again to assist with scheduling, so please use the above link to schedule conferences with your children’s teachers. The link will be activated at 6:00 pm on...
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Please view the March 2, 2018 newsletter.