Mrs. Nistor began today’s assembly by congratulating the Huda Heroes who have exemplified the virtue of honesty. Congratulations Minal Irfan, Ahmed Bouzertit, Hana Omar, Rimsha Nasir, Rayan Ahmad, Hana Haggui, Suhaib Haqqani, Zoya Jamil, Lubna Burki, Mohammad Hamden, Ryan Almughrabi, Arham Hashmi, Abdulrahim Hassan, Ibrahim Ashraf, Shifaan Shafi, and Noor Bouzertit. Mrs. Haggard congratulated Medyna Haque, the winner of the MYSLC Pi Day contest, for...
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Six grade 11 Regina Huda School students traveled to Saskatoon on Sunday, March 19 to participate in the third annual Brain Bee competition. Students answered Neurosciences (science of the brain) questions. We are very proud of all six of our students who spent hours preparing for the competition and represented our school so well. Well done Saman, Ammara, Bushra, Lubna, Hasan, and Ahmed! Congratulations to...
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Registration forms for the 2017 / 18 school year have been sent home with students and posted on the Registration page. Please note that the form has changed since last year and includes some additional information. Please complete and return to school by Wednesday, April 26. 2017 Registration Letter Gr. 1-12 Registration Form 2017
The Regina Huda School SLC organized Traditional Dress Day on March 21 to help us celebrate different cultures in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Racism.
Thank you to all the families who came to learn some new math games to play at home to improve operation skills. We had a great time!
Use the above link to register for elementary 3-way conferences on Friday, March 31. If you have problems signing up for conferences, see How to Use SignUp.
Award-winning SCREENAGERS probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and depicts messy struggles, over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. See the attached poster for information for a free screening and discussion at Sheldon Williams Collegiate....
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Please look at the attached letter to all parents who have students on the waiting list. Letter to Parents About Waiting List Use the above link to sign up for an assessment spot.
Please take a look at this month’s newsletter.
Regina Huda School Spring Fashion Show Saturday, March 18th at 6:30 pm Tickets are $15 per person and are available from the high school girls or from Mrs. Hall. Ticket price includes a meal, dessert and a beverage, along with a chance to win a door prize.