We had a great assembly Monday morning! Mrs. Nistor began the assembly by leading us in O Canada and recognizing that Regina Huda School is on Treaty 4 Land. Mrs. Hibbert and her Grade 3B students came forward to present for the assembly. Teacher Douha and her Grade 5 Arabic students presented a play in both Arabic and English. Teacher Fahima announced the winners of...
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Janna E. returned to Regina on Monday from a long trip to Cairo (Egypt), followed by a short one to Gatineau (Canada). Janna made a significant accomplishment by winning the Egyptian National Championship and the Gold Medal in Under 17 Fencing Women Sabre. She also won two silver medals in the U17 and U20 National Egyptian Teams Championship. In Gatineau, Janna won the Canada Cup...
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Thank you to our high school teachers who presented at our Open House last night! Parents asked for information to be posted. See the Open House slideshow 2020 and Course Offerings at Regina Huda School
The Regina Huda School Debate Team hosted Tournament 10 on Friday, January 24th. Thank you to all the staff, students, and community members who volunteered to make it a success! Congratulations to Huda debaters, and special congratulations to those students who won medals.
See the January 2020 Principal Blog
Complete the February Lunch Program Order Form if you would like to order lunches in February.
We had a really nice elementary assembly this afternoon. Mrs. Nistor began by leading us in the singing of O Canada and recognizing that Regina Huda School is on Treaty 4 Land. Congratulations to this month’s wudu award winners, Sumaiya, Adl, and Lamisa! We celebrated this month’s HUDA students. Congratulations to students who display Honesty: Barirah A., Anas E., Rayyan U., Mohamad A., Shaheer H.,...
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The lunch program is continuing in January! Complete and return the January Lunch Program Order Form by Thursday.
We are excited to announce two courses St. John’s Ambulance is running at Regina Huda School during the winter break. Home Alone Huda Program The home alone course specializes in helping children identify what responsibilities they have while being home alone, understanding the basics of First Aid procedures and demonstrate what to do in case of an emergency, plus how and when to call 911....
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We had a great assembly this morning! Mrs. Spock began by reminding us that Regina Huda School is on Treaty 4 Territory and by leading us in the singing of O Canada. We celebrated this month’s H.U.D.A. students. Congratulations to Liban B. who was recognized for his honesty, Arfa A. who was recognized for her understanding, Abdulkarim F. who was recognized for his Discipline, and...
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