Our grade 11 students are busy preparing for their upcoming final exams using a student-created Kahoot, an online quiz program, to review.
Regina Huda School would like to congratulate Janna E. for her success at the 2017 Fencing Canada Cup West. Janna received 2 medals at the event: the gold medal in the Under 15 Women’s Sabre Event and the bronze medal in the Cadet Women’s Sabre Event. Congratulations Janna!
Congratulations to the Debate Team for an excellent showing at Friday’s tournament at Luther College. All teams debated very well, and six of the twelve teams from our school were awarded for their performance. In the Beginner category, Ayaan K. and Ryan A. placed first, and Habiba A. and Manha C. placed third. Eesha Q. tied for third-place speaker, Ryan was second, and Manha was named...
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The University of Regina Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosts several events and workshops for elementary and high school students. For more information or to register for an event, visit https://www.uregina.ca/science/mathstat/community-outreach/index.html
The grade 5 class is working on islands, pretending to be early cartographers.
We are using SignUp.Com again this term to sign up for three-way conferences with your children’s teachers. The page will be activated at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, November 14. Please sign up by Friday, November 17. See the How to Use SignUp information for assistance.
Congratulations to all of the debaters who represented Regina Huda School at the Debate Tournament in Swift Current on Saturday. It was an impromptu tournament, which means that debaters have a very short time to prepare, so all of our debaters did very well. Eight of thirteen teams were represented either by placing or having someone recognized with a speaker award. In the Beginner category,...
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Congratulations to Sheza in grade 1 for winning the $10.00 Caught Being Good prize for the month of October.