Pamela Spock
Pamela Spock
Regina Public Schools families can now read most details about returning to school in one document. The Return to School Parent/Caregiver Handbook includes all the information school families may need to know about school in September and beyond. The handbook includes: Safety precaution details and what the schools and learning will be like in the coming school year Transportation Curriculum, instruction and assessment for Kindergarten...
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Pamela Spock
Read the Safe Schools Plan from the Saskatchewan Government.
Pamela Spock
If you would like to apply for a subsidy for school fees, complete the Subsidy form and return it with all required documents by September 9, 2020.
Pamela Spock
If you would like your children to ride the bus, please complete the Bus Registration Form and email to . Bus Fees are: 1-Way: $140 / child / month Full-Time: $200 / child / month
Pamela Spock
Please read the Re-open Plan Regina Huda School Please note that our high school students will continue to use a 5-period, 2-semester class schedule. Students will remain with the same cohort in the same classroom throughout the school day.
Pamela Spock
Please read the Return to School Parent Letter. We will post more information when it is available.
Pamela Spock
On Wednesday we celebrated our largest graduating class to date. Congratulations to the Regina Huda School Class of 2020! Students and some family members dropped by the school to pick up their diplomas, awards, and take some photos. We are very proud of our students and wish them the best as they embark on their post-secondary journeys. We did not get a photo of everyone,...
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Pamela Spock
Pamela Spock
Congratulations to Sohaila E., who won the 2020 Regional Award in the “Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest” for the second year in a row. Well done Sohaila!
Pamela Spock