in Events 2015
Chemistry 30 Students Share Their Knowledge
Our Chemistry 30 students have been presenting POEs (Predict, Observe, Explain) to grade 5 – 8 students this week.
Pamela Spock
Our Chemistry 30 students have been presenting POEs (Predict, Observe, Explain) to grade 5 – 8 students this week.
Pamela Spock
Teachers, Board members, and students gathered together to recognize Qur’an Competition winners. Congratulations!
Pamela Spock
Regina City Council unanimously approved the sale of neighbouring property to Regina Huda School. Thank you for the support and congratulations to our school community!
Pamela Spock
Our grade 9 – 12 students had a great assembly on Wednesday! Mrs. Spock acknowledged that we are on Treaty 4 land and led the singing of O Canada. The SLC gave us an update about upcoming events including Comfy Day on December 21 and their Ping Pong tournament at lunch. We thanked Ms. Krug for all her work at Regina Huda School this semester...
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Pamela Spock
See the information below for some great math events! Math Circle – Tuesdays Jan. 15, Jan 29, Feb 12, 2019 These session are for students in Grades 1-12 with an interest in mathematics. For these three sessions, there will be an increased focus on math competition style problems (such as the Math Kangaroo and the Waterloo competitions – see below). Registration is free, but...
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Pamela Spock
We had a fantastic assembly this morning! Mrs. Nistor began by acknowledging that Regina Huda School is on Treaty 4 Land. The Pre-Kindergarten students led us singing O Canada. Congratulations to wudu award winners Anum, Istiak, and Maria. Congratulations to this month’s H.U.D.A. winners! Congratulations to the students recognized for their honesty: Ahmed D., Humza Q., Imaan H., Mihran N., Eshaal M., Mariam A., Sheza...
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Pamela Spock
Grade 4B had a presentation today from Bricks 4 Kids which included building their own pirate ship using LEGO, gears, axels, and a motor! Students discussed friction, motion and multiplication. What an exciting presentation!
Pamela Spock
Regina Huda School is looking forward to a visit from Khaled Sultan, a Financial Advisor from London, Ontario. Registered students and teachers will have a workshop and case competition on Saturday, December 1. Members of the public are invited to attend the presentation at 7:00 pm on December 1. For full details, see theĀ Finance in Islam Presentation poster.
Pamela Spock
Regina Huda School staff, students, and community members were very fortunate to have many opportunities to hear Dr. Reda Bedir speak.
Pamela Spock
Pamela Spock