January 2019 Principal’s Message

07 Jan 2019
Principal’s Message January 2019
We hope all families had an enjoyable winter holiday. We have all worked very hard the past four months, focusing our efforts on ensuring students are learning within a vibrant, Islamic environment.
High School students will begin their final exams on January 21st.High school students will be receiving their report cards on January30th. High School students will begin semester 2 on January 31st.
Elementary will receive their Term 1 report cards on February 1st. We hope all our students continue to work hard in ensuring their report card marks reflect the dedication and commitment to learning in all subjects.
A reminder to grade 8 parents that we have our high school open house scheduled for Tuesday, February 5th at 6:00 pm.
Parents, please continue to check and sign agendas for elementary students, as well as SeeSaw, ensuring that you continue to be informed and that your child/children’s homework is completed. For all students at RHS, having your children come to school every day on time, and working together with your child’s teachers is extremely important for your childs/children’s educational success. It is the process of working together as a team which enables our children to excel in their studies.
Thank you for supporting the school and ensuring that your child/children are doing their best!
Mrs. Nistor