School Updates
25 Sep 2020
Updated Procedure Regarding COVID Symptoms and Sending Children to School:
Regina Huda School is following the recommendations of Dr. Shahab, Chief Medical Health Officer for the province and of Regina Public Schools. Please note that students who have the following symptoms are not to be sent to school:
1. Fever
2. Sore throat
3. Cough
4. Loss of smell and taste
5. Runny nose (unless it is caused by allergies in which case you let your child’s teacher know.)
In the event that your child is showing the symptoms above, they will be expected to stay home while having symptoms as well as children must stay home for 48 hours symptom free (or asymptomatic) after. If they come to school prior to 48 hours of being symptom free we will be informing parents to come pick up their child.
Parents Not Entering the School:
If parents come to the school they are not permitted in the building unless Sabiha or Taghrid permits them to enter. You must call the school at 306-565-1988 and wait outside until you have talked to either Taghrid or Sabiha. If you are dropping off fees you can put them in the locked mailbox outside the Hikma front doors. If it is cash do not worry as Taghrid checks the mailbox several times a day. You can also e-transfer at and if that email does not work please use
Please keep in mind that the two emails above cannot be used once they exceed their limit.
It is expected that fees need to be paid by the 10th of each month. If you have not paid your September fees they are now late and expected to be paid on Monday, September 28th. If you are continually late on fees it may jeopardize your child/children attending the school.
Students Not Bringing Water Bottles or Lunches:
Please note that we do not want parents bringing lunches or water bottles to the school. Please ensure that your child/children have their lunches and water bottles in their backpacks before they leave for school. In the event students forget their lunches, we will have Fidaa Almughrabi prepare a sandwich lunch for your child and ask you to pay for that lunch the next day. This will ensure that parents do not come to school to drop off lunches for their children.