Congratulations to this year’s grade 8 students and their families as they say farewell to elementary school and prepare for high school in the fall!
We wish our grade 8 students the best as they say farewell to elementary school and look forward to high school in the fall!
Our Grade 8 students took part in some fun farewell activities with their parents. We wish our grade 8 students all the best as they move to high school in the fall!
Our 2019 Grade 8 Graduation was a wonderful celebration at the University of Regina Theater! Thank you to all the family, friends, and community members who attended. Special congratulations and thanks to Mrs. Gunnlaugson who announced her retirement at the end of the ceremony. You will be missed by the Regina Huda School community!
Thank you to Mrs. Gunnlaugson for all her work for this year’s Grade 8 Graduation! We wish all our students the best as they move to high school in the fall.