High School Supplementary Learning Information
03 Apr 2020
Here is the information for high school students’ supplementary learning opportunities.
**Please note: we have created Huda accounts for all our students. Go to Google.ca and sign in. Your username will be firstname.lastname@huda.ca (no spaces or hyphens) and your password is Welcome20. Once you log in, change your password.
Teacher Asmaa
In your Huda.ca Google account, join Teacher Zakariya’s Google Classroom by using the appropriate code:
Grade 10 Islamic Studies: sxam2kc
Grade 10 Girls’ Qur’an: zpqjzyn
Grade 11 Girls’ Qur’an: 7fozgze
Grade 12 Boys’ Qur’an: 3a4wxia
Teacher Douha
In your Huda.ca Google account, join Teacher Douha’s Google Classroom by using the appropriate code:
Grade 9 Boys’ Arabic: muttpcv
Grade 9 Boys’ Qur’an:2pscdq6
Grade 9 Girls’ Qur’an: onkfgxu
Grade 10 Boys’ Qur’an: vcgz3md
Teacher Zakariya
In your Huda.ca Google account, join Teacher Zakariya’s Google Classroom by using the appropriate code:
Ms. Ainsley Renee.Ainsley@rbe.sk.ca
Ms. Ainsley will continue to use Edmodo.
Mrs. Armstrong Nancy.Armstrong@rbe.sk.ca
See Mrs. Armstrong’s blog at nancyarmstrong.wordpress.com
Mr. Caron Kyle.Caron@rbe.sk.ca
Mr. Caron will continue to use Edmodo. If you have not signed up for his classes, please do so using the information for your class:
Social 9 Social 10 Law 30 Financial Literacy 30
Mr. Foreman Andrew.Foreman@rbe.sk.ca
See Mr. Foreman’s blog at thedoublehelixsite.wordpress.com
Mr. Gerein Todd.Gerein@rbe.sk.ca
See Mr. Gerein’s blog at mrgerein.wordpress.com
Mrs. Hall Jody.Hall@rbe.sk.ca
See Mrs. Hall’s blog at thehallwaytolearning.edublogs.org
Mrs. Littlemore Donna.Littlemore@rbe.sk.ca
See Mrs. Littlemore’s blog at littlemorelearning.edublogs.org
Mr. McTaggart Scott.Mctaggart@gmail.com
Mr. McTaggart will continue to use Edmodo. If you are not in the Edmodo, please email Mr. McTaggart. Advisory students can sign up for an Advisory Edmodo using the code: yihj6y
Mrs. Murray Ashley.Murray@rbe.sk.ca
See Mrs. Murray’s blog at rhsmurray415.blog
Teacher Narmeen Narmeen.Ramadan@rbe.sk.ca
See Teacher Narmeen’s blog at teachernarmeen.com
Mrs. Spock Pamela.Spock@rbe.sk.ca
See Mrs. Spock’s blog at spocklearnlongandprosper.wordpress.com