October 5 Elementary Assembly

October 5 Elementary Assembly
07 Oct 2022

Mrs. Nistor began our assembly by recognizing that Regina Huda School is on Treaty 4 Land. We sang O Canada and Istiak R. recited from the Qur’an.

We recognized our H.U.D.A. students for this month. Congratulations to students recognized for the Honesty: Yusra A., Awais A., Hareem A., Mishaal Ali, Anas E., Sayf A., Eman E., Umaiza N., Anayum A., Maryam A., Maya A. and Eshaal M.

Congratulations to students recognized for their Understanding: Abrya T., Ayub A., Umar H., Nadine E., Ibrahim N., Zahra J., Haytham H., Leena E., Miral A., Muhib S., Umyra S. and Qasim A.

Congratulations to students recognized for their Discipline: Hareem G., Fatima G., Eshaal N., Eesa A., Menaal F., Warisha K., Abdurehman B., Zeenia B., Sohaib A., Mohammad B. and Hafsa K.

Congratulations to students recognized for their Academics: Zainab O., Sahra M., Talha I., Solman J., Hassan A., Yahya A., Fareed H., Ayyan A., Rana A., Jana H., Juraij M. and Zahra Z.

Teacher Douha gave prizes for students who have made wudu perfectly this month.

We finished the assembly by recognizing students who completed their first cross-country run in the top 25 students in their age group and ran in the city finals on September 28th. Congratulations Sumaia  A., Jana H., Meerab A., Ahaad N., Miral A. and Hafsa K.



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