OURSchool Survey
13 Oct 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Regina Huda School will be participating in an online school survey for students called the OurSCHOOL Student Survey. Please find the details of the survey implementation below.
Who: Students in grades 4-12
When: Now until November 19, 2017
Where: At school under the supervision of classroom teachers and Mrs. Spock.
Why: As part of an initiative by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and to inform actions that lead to the improvement of students’ experience at their school.
About the OurSCHOOL Student Survey:
- Allows students to share their feedback anonymously on their experiences at school, school environment and school improvement programs.
- Participation in the survey is voluntary, however all students are encouraged to participate.
- The time required to complete the survey may vary, but it is designed to be completed in approximately 35-40 minutes.
Survey measures include such topics as behaviours and attitudes linked to student success, emotional and social well-being. For more information about the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please visit The Learning Bar Inc.’s website: www.thelearningbar.com.
If you have questions or would like to request more information about Regina Huda School’s upcoming implementation of the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please contact Mrs. Nistor at (306) 565-1988.